Department signs MoU with partners

Department signs MoU with partners

Source: Post-Courier | Date: 20th Oct 2023 | Article by: Marie Sonny

The Department of Justice and Attorney General has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with two of its partners to support crime prevention in Morobe.

The agreement was signed on Wednesday between the Justice Department’s Crime Prevention Coordination branch with the Lutheran Development Services and Zenag Chicken as explained by CPC’s executive director Terry Lui.

The MoU signed with Zenag was for Zenag to provide the basis for the supply, receipt and distribution of chicklets for poultry projects identified by the CPC of the DJAG. This will contribute towards promoting a safe, peaceful and secure community through a partnership that will facilitate the delivery of justice services by acknowledging and strengthening restorative justice that includes the rehabilitations of individual who come in conflict with the law.

A similar purpose was outlined in the MoU signed with the LDS to act on behalf of DJAG to deliver chicklets supplied by Zenag to the communities to enable and give opportunities to them to make as their source of income.

It enables the CPC to enhance crime prevention by creating employment and economic opportunities by modernizing the subsistence agriculture in rural districts of Morobe.

In recognition of the partnership, CPC through DJAG has presented two cheques of K50, 000 each to the partners of LDS and Zenag to start facilitation according to the content of the MoU.

Secretary Eric Kwa said: We are trying to target youths especially with this programs so that they can sell chickens and raise their own revenue and sustain themselves.” CPC has acknowledged the office of the state solicitor for giving clearance to both MoUs to be signed.